I have been a big fan of Peter Robinson's PopJustice.com for a long time now, but I just thought it was worth re-itterating how awesome this website is, and what better way to do this than post their video interview with Jesse McCartney. Unfortunately this seems to be the only video interview the website's ever done. More of these please Peter!
Last Thursday I went to the private view of "Our Friendship Has Potential" at Aquire Arts Gallery in Battersea. The show consisted of work from Jane Howard, Hannah Bays, Holly White, Emily Brown, Ellie Nicholls, Steve Bunn, Kevin Quigley, and Daisy Addison. It was nice to catch up with friends and see other friend's new work. Although I'd been aware of his work for many years (we studied together), Will Thorborn's exhibits at the show really made an impression on me. His highly intricate, and sexual work has the power to mesmerize as well as being brutally explicit about the physicality of sex, life, and organic reality of possessing a human body. Well worth checking out.
The "We Got Time" music video for Moray McLaren will be screened tonight as part of the weekly Short & Sweet film night held at Cafe 1001, 91 Brick Lane, London. I'll be there, so come and say hi.
Words can not describe how excited this makes me feel. No matter how many times people say we're on the verge of entering a whole new world of visual entertainment (ie - three dimensions). I don't quite believe it.
But when you see something like this! It should be VERY interesting to see how this transition in film-making takes hold.
I am very happy to announce that I am now represented by Colonel Blimp as a director for Music Videos! Hooray!
Also, I was featured on Kanye West's blog yesterday! Sick! Check out this comment that someone left (NB - Kanye mis-spelt my name Davide! I quite like it) ... " YOOO, this has to be my favourite video as for rite now hands down..good job davide wilson, we share the same first name too great minds do what? yea thats rite..when i heard the song before it didnt really catch me but wow, great song, great video, i can dig it..finally good music definately in the ears, thanx Ye "
Haha awesome! Good music definitely in the ears!!! _
Hello everyone. Unfortunately my website shut down earlier today due to a large amount of traffic, and having massive quicktime files on there. It is now back online, but unfortunately the video files are now links to YouTube rather than Quicktimes.
The website will be tidied up (with new, smaller quicktimes) at the weekend.
BIG thanks to MOTIONOGRAPHER for agreeing to host my Moray McLaren video in full-res beautiful quicktime for the time being! _
Ok, so unfortunatley I'm in the middle of shooting my next promo at the moment, so I'm letting the blog go until Wednesday. However, I am very pleased to announce that here is a new piece of work from yours truely. I would explain more about it, but I'm knackered and need sleep for a shoot day tomorrow. Enjoy!!
Here's a still from Brooklyn-based artist, Adam Parker Smith's "Bold As Love" exhibition that was held in NYC just over a year ago. The exhibition creates a grusome soft-sculptural graveyard of severed heads, inspired by Ernest Hemingway's "For Whom The Bell Tolls". The show created a chilling social commentary on how art (through the ages) has repeatedly sourced violence and the grotesque as an inspiration and how our love affair with death continues to be channeled as a consumerist form of entertainment.
Nothing much to say here, except click on the image below and prepare a musical wonderment that'll completely encapsulate you for at least the next half an hour of your life (in a really good way!).
On Saturday night I was privelaged enough to get tickets to see Royksopp and Fever Ray at the Ether Festival at London's Southbank Centre.
We started the evening off by meeting up with the lovely Peaches (as in Teaches of Peaches/Fuck the Pain Away, not the annoying Geldof variety) and being treated to the premier of the short film "The Delian Mode", directed by Kara Blake. The documentary focuses on the work of Delia Derbyshire and her work at the BBC's Radiophonic Workshop. Deryshire's most well-known piece of work being the chilling and distinctive Doctor Who theme song. The whole film was totally inspirational, revealing the Derbyshire's troubled genius and the extraordinary process she went through to create her music; including the complex mathematical systems she used to create her music, and the huge number of hours she'd put into hand splicing tape - often running the tape along the Maida Vale's corridors at night in order to work with it undisturbed.
Here's a clip from a BBC 4 documentary featuring Delia...
After the we settled down in the Royal Festival Hall to witness Fever Ray's only UK performance. For those of you that don't know; Fever Ray is Karin Dreijer Andersson's (from The Knife) side project. Being a massive fan of The Knife I knew how big-a-deal it is to catch Karin playing live (The Knife have only played in London once before EVER (to my knowledge)). Both Karin and her brother Olof Dreijer hid behind screens and masks when performing live as The Knife, and nothing's changed with Fever Ray. Although, half way through the show Karin did take off her mask for a few songs, neither her or the other musicians on the stage were ever lit up. The costume, stage and lighting design were all created by Andreas Nilsson. The whole thing was spectacular. Consisting of a nice juxtaposition of mind-blowing lazers and dainty table lamps. Here's a clip...
With those lazer beams flying over your head, it really was a totally encapsulating 3D experience. Karin's voice was just remarkable, and it really drives home what an achievement the Fever Ray album is.
Next up was Royksopp. Now, I'm not a massive Royksopp fan, but the show was actually pretty good. Highlights included duets with Robyn (for a stomping version of "The Girl and The Robot"), and Karin Dreijer Andersson coming on at the end of the show for an eerie version of "Tricky Tricky", dressed in a gold and black cloak, with an amazing sheep skull/hair-piece/mask.
Here's a reminder of the stomping Royksopp/Robyn collaboration...
I was slightly disappointed Karin didn't come on for "What Else Is There", arguably Royksopp's best song, which she provided the vocals for in the recorded version, but I guess with Karin, we were lucky to see her at ALL!
With Royksopp's heyday being associated with their 2002 album "Melody AM", the band did feel a quite dated when they were playing their old tunes, but the select tracks off their recent album "Junior" really shone out like diamonds, demanding that they're not quite set for the history books just yet. The night, like the "Junior" album, really managed to encapsulate all the exciting musical and visual gold that's sprouting from both Norway and Sweden at the moment. However, for me, nothing could compete with the overwhelming wonder that was the Fever Ray live experience.
To finish off the night was a quick trip backstage to say a thanks to Karin for getting us tickets (what a lovely lady), and gawp at Robyn's amazing white hair. Then Rex The Dog played out with night with an awesome DJ set. Wonderful.
All this, and I didn't even know I was going until Thursday! A BIG thanks to James Bland for sorting this all out.
I was pointed in the direction of Shamil's work the other day and forgot to mention how beautiful it was on the blog. Every photo is so rich, like a painting. Shamil displays such a high degree of technical knowledge and understanding of his sitters; it just takes my breath away.
Art Is Proof is a Brighton based initiative giving designers the means to explore, print and exhibit self-initiated work. This sprightly group of screen-printers have teamed up with the awesome Banquet Records for their 3rd exhibition. Entitled Fear Factor, the exhibition features specially made posters by designers involved with the underground music scene (Verity Keniger, Dan Mumford, Leah Stewart, William Exley and Mark Pavey among others). All the prints are limited edition A2 one-colour screen prints (a luscious gold on black paper) and will be available to buy online as well as at the gallery, with proceeds going to the charity Carousel, which works to inspire people with learning disabilities to achieve their artistic ambitions.
Fear Factor runs from today until May 1st at The Toilet Gallery, 151 Clarence Street, Kingston Upon Thames.
To say this camera is causing a stir at the moment would be an understatement. Here's a fantastic little test that my good friend Simon Willows shot the other night on his way home from work. It's like having a 35mm film camera in your backpack, and at a very reasonable high street price. Point and shoot has entered new territory. Budget film making is being revolutionized.
I'm shooting with it for the first time today! Wish me luck!
This little timelapse movie's so great! I always find it fascinating to get an insight into the production process of any kind of movie, but animation does happen to be the most magical of all. Watch out for the Rupert The Bear characters - they will blow your mind!
I like to have some little motivational slogans around me from time to time. Print Liberation do them in the bucket load, and make them pretty god-damn beautiful at the same time.
I love Scrabble, and I friggin' adore these commercials for the game. If there's one industry that may actually be gaining from the recession I guess boardgames may be one of them. Throw away your TV and do something less boring instead!
There's nothing new here about Bat For Lashes being awesome. The new album seems to be rocking everybody's ears at the moment (and rightly so). Just this footage of the young lady performing Glass is enough to take your breath away.
Now I don't often actively search things out to mess my brain up, but this is possibly the best thing I've seen all year. These don't tend to work on me that well, but this one really really does! Give it time, and follow the instructions precisely, and prepare to have your eyes warped.